Dear Amos

“Daddy, I’m 5!” was how you greeted me this morning.  It was amazing, actually; you shouted that from mid-air as you had launched yourself to land on my spleen to wake me up.  

Five! Can you believe it?

The memories I have of that day, the day you and your cone head came screaming into the world, are just as clear as if they happened yesterday.  I remember coming home from worship rehearsal and having your Momma tell me that you were growing inside of her.  I remember the day the nurse hooked your Momma up to a weird and spooky machine, pointed at a little speck on a screen, and said you were going to be a boy.

I remember hearing you laugh for the first time.  I remember the first time I came home from work and hearing “Daddy!” as you raced to the door.

I remember watching you hold your sister and your brother for the first time, remember hearing you sing your favorite song . . . “I love Sissy.  She’s my best friend . . .”

I remember the first time you said, “I love you, Daddy.”  

You are difficult and strong-willed. You know what you want, and you loudly and repetitively demand it. For a long time, we didn’t know if you would get to go to a regular school.  We thought so, but there was that lingering doubt.  But, you are smart! The day your teacher told us that you are going to regular Kindergarten, your Momma cried.

So did your Daddy.

Your strong-will and singular focus is balanced by your tender, tender heart.  You are compassionate, you worry when your siblings cry (unless you caused it), and you can be very generous.

Your Uncle Tre once said you have the softest soul, and your Momma agreed. She spoke the best blessing over you, saying that she knows that you will grow into your will and that God will use your personality–all of it–for something amazing.

The thing is, though, that He already is. You changed our lives and you brighten the day of everyone you meet.

I love you so much, and I am so lucky that God trusted me with you.

Love, Daddy

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  1. Pingback: Dear Amos | Becoming Daddy

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